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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learn to Program: The Fundamentals by University of Toronto

6,401 ratings

About the Course

Behind every mouse click and touch-screen tap, there is a computer program that makes things happen. This course introduces the fundamental building blocks of programming and teaches you how to write fun and useful programs using the Python language....

Top reviews


Dec 15, 2020

Great course for refreshing your python basics, and any beginner looking to pick up Python basics will be in a comfortable spot after completing this course and a bit of practice with the assignments.


Jun 4, 2021

Well taught, assignemnts are just right in complexity, its hard enough to no be easy and but not to be frustrating and tests challange your knowledge enough for it to be rewarding to complete with 80%

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1826 - 1850 of 1,852 Reviews for Learn to Program: The Fundamentals

By Sergio S

Aug 20, 2017

There are issues with this course. My biggest gripe is that if you do not pass the tests on your first try, the questions and answers will change on your second time around. Obviously this is fine for the questions that you got wrong however it also changes the ones you got right. This makes the tests take MUCH longer than necessary and there isn't necessarily any extra learning gained from this.

However, even with the problems with this course, you WILL learn how to use Python. I feel that the course succeeded in that regard - but I'm not sure that this course provides any benefits over following some YouTube tutorials.

In conclusion, if you would like to learn how to use Python and don't mind something that is challenging and time consuming, take this course.

By Alina K

Jan 5, 2022

If you are an absolute beginner, do not waste your time. Course material covers the basics of python, but quizzes are more extensive and require extra preparation. Good if you have someone to guide you through and provide with extra explanations on what and how to solve the questions; or have enough time and self-confidence to look for extra resources on your own.

I also found code-windows within questionnaires during videos and quizzes quite annoying (due to double scroll bars: - one in the code window and another in question window. This prevented from seeing the entire question/possible solutions).

By Alexis P

Mar 4, 2024

Day one and I've found 2 videos that cut off in the middle of the subject. And one exercise that doesn't take the correct result and needs to be skipped in order to advance the course. There is even a reddit post about this exercise. This is frustrating to say the least.

By Sam Y

Jan 1, 2022

Vague and moves far too quickly. Feels like a supplement for an on campus course to be used with a now out of date textbook. For a no experience needed course, I feel like I need some experience, especially with the vocabulary, to understand what's going on.

By Nate P

Jan 11, 2020

Largely uses less efficient, outdated, and counter-intuitive code to teach Python. If I had someone who learned Python from this course added to my team it would take months to correct the bad behavior they learned here.

By Greg T

Jan 30, 2017

Very rushed, incomplete examples and gaps in content. I'm not sure what audience Coursera is aiming for, but it doesn't seem to be anyone who doesn't already know a programming language.

By Emma L

Jul 20, 2017

The course should include more examples and tasks for students. Also all the question areas in quiz'es and tests should be covered by the open lectures. Felt like incomplete course.

By Ruben P

Nov 12, 2021

Que haya ejercicios y pruebas para avanzar esta muy bien, pero muy flojo el curso y muy básico.


Dec 14, 2020

Not as expected. I find it hard to keep up with the pace and the assignments.

By Cipriano M

Jun 11, 2018

It complicates things that are supposed to be simple and explainable.

By Boray E

Feb 6, 2020

Material presented is good for beginners but the courses are boring.

By عصام ع ا

Mar 13, 2021

Is there’s any mistake in the test number 2

By Karime A C

Dec 6, 2017

To many quizes per video and too much Teory


Sep 18, 2020

I could not get my course certificate

By Islam T

Apr 6, 2020

Очень непонятные задания.

By Deleted A

May 9, 2020

The video tutorial test questions focus in on details irrelevant to programming which can cause a beginner programmer to totally lose focus on coding, and instead become discouraged by their strength in mathematics. Spend more time on exploring the basics of Python, and less time giving users trouble over petty mathematical discrepancies during the interactive potion of the video tutorials.. or at least offer greater detail in righting an incorrect response. This shakes the confidence of beginner users and makes them feel like programming is beyond their ability and understanding, just because they cannot rearrange a math question in the desired order, when at the end of the day, Python can solve the expression regardless as to whether the user enter multiplication or division first!

By Doug K

Mar 12, 2024

This course significantly lacks effectiveness in its teaching approach. Having completed 80% of it, I've found that each question is either overly ambiguous or requires consultation of external sources for clarification and understanding. The adage "you get what you pay for" rings true here, especially considering that this course is offered for free. It's disappointing to see such a lackluster effort from the University of Toronto. I recommend saving yourself the hassle by leveraging ChatGPT for learning, as I had to seek external clarification for every concept presented in this course. This experience has diminished my interest in pursuing further courses through Coursera.

By Anna P

May 5, 2024

Terrible Course - Do Not Purchase - The lectures are unbearable and there are known errors in the quizzes (for three years) which they are not fixing. And, if you try and find someone to help you, there is no one. I regret wasting my money and time with Coursera.

By Cindy L

Aug 10, 2023

None of the videos are showing. It just shows an error saying coursera is down.

By ishita m

Oct 27, 2020

i would like a refund, not a well-designed course at all.

Extremely disappointed

By Matteo Z R

Mar 24, 2022

This course was IMPOSSIBLE and it took me TWO WHOLE YEARS TO COMPLETE IT.

By Ахметова И

Aug 18, 2023

Выглядит очень устаревшим и желание проходить курс отпадает

By Damien M

Feb 10, 2017

10/10 would program again


Feb 6, 2022

Very bad for beginners

By Venislav G

Oct 21, 2022

out of date